Daily Pisces Horoscope September 05 (05/09)


Feb 19 − Mar 20

Alias: Alias: The Fish

September 05


daily pisces horoscope:

summary pisces daily

Star 10/10

Even when we experience a revelation or something finally starts to make sense we still dont trust what were seeing, or even worse, what were feeling. When an answer to a problem finally presents itself in some way, we believe we have a valid reason to question it. Dont waste time doing something similar now. Youre being presented with an answer youve wanted for some time. It wants you to accept it and move on. Be willing to do so.


summary pisces tomorrow

Star 8/10

Do you dare to dream? Of course! In fact, you do more than just dare to dream, youre an expert at doing so and so many others ought to be taking a leaf from your book. Dont restrict your colorful and fantastic visions to what is easily attainable. Be willing to experiment with your hearts desire. This involves aiming a bit higher than youre used to but a delightful, reassuring result can come from doing so. You know what you have to settle for and what you ideally want. Go for the latter!


summary pisces weekly

Star 8/10

If there is such a thing as rose tinted glasses, then do you own a pair? Youre encouraged this week to see something more realistically and practically where dreaminess or fantasy have perhaps been prevalent. Its great to dream, but sometimes we convince ourselves of something inaccurate or unrealistic. In your world this week, something needs assessing or reassessing sensibly and practically. Its time to alter certain attitudes or beliefs - but it is also a time of extremely positive transformation.


summary pisces monthly

Star 7/10

If youve been considering exploring potential work opportunities or embarking upon a self-improvement plan of some kind, then coming weeks could bring reassuring and pleasing results. September looks set to be a month that brings greater levels of creative fulfillment, too. If your imaginative ideas have fallen on deaf ears or been misunderstood, then it looks like someone is about to get your point. Its the Full Moon in your sign that could make the first half of the month a particularly emotional time. This will be made considerably easier if you accept that others problems neednt be your own or you neednt feel guilty about something beyond your control.


health pisces daily

Star 10/10

There is a favorable aspect happening in the heavens, and this means that your emotions may run the show for the next few days. This is a wonderful place to come from, as long as those emotions aren\t frustration or fear converted into uncontrolled anger or anxiety. Think about what you can do to create a balanced lifestyle in the next couple of days. Small adjustments can go a long way: drink more water, allow extra time for your personal needs.


health pisces tomorrow

Star 7/10

The power of today\s aspect is in knowing what you need to review. Is there something you wish you could go back and learn over again? Communication issues are definitely going to be coming up during this transit. Take it easy and let it be OK that you need some time to really understand what you think. When it comes to telling other people what\s \"wrong\" it doesn\t necessarily need to be that either one of you are \"wrong\".


health pisces weekly

Star 7/10

The aspects may affect you more deeply than others now. If any symptoms arise, get them checked out right away. Perhaps it\s an issue you\ve had before and you already know what to do. It could coincide with the need to cut out habits that cause you more harm than good. You know what these are.


health pisces monthly

Star 10/10

With luscious Venus dancing through your wellness sector for much of the month, the cosmos is encouraging you to unwind. Think warm baths with a soothing blend of essential oils or the calming smell of scented candles. This can be the time to address your beauty regimen and consider if youre using the best products for your face, hair, nails, and body. You may also favor more natural versions over chemical-filled blends, as youre likely to tolerate them better. This focus could encourage you to overindulge or ease up on your exercise routine when just a little more discipline could help you stay in control.


love pisces daily

Star 9/10

You may feel an intense attraction today toward someone whom you may only have noticed in passing until now. You feel very drawn in ways that are inexplicable, as you do not really know this person that well. Yet on another level you do know them extremely well, and it is this feeling that is pulling you like a magnet, ever closer.


love pisces tomorrow

Star 9/10

This could be a perfect day for all kinds of relationships. The day\s planetary constellation puts most people in an optimistic frame of mind, and ensures that good company surrounds you. However, you don\t want to be sitting around drinking coffee all afternoon. Take your loved one out and have a real heart-to-heart talk about what the future holds for you both.


love pisces weekly

Star 10/10

Your love life has more twists and turns than a telenovela at the start of the week. Did you ever think youd be in this position? Probably not, but you secretly love being at the center of all this drama. Your daydreams paint an idyllic romantic picture, but can real life ever live up to what your imagination can conjure? Septemberbe not, but its still fun to think about.


love pisces monthly

Star 9/10

A full moon in gentle Pisces on September 6 should help you wrap up loose ends. You must be the bad guy sometimes, but you have a solid reputation as a nice person, which makes dealing with romantic unpleasantness a little easier. The sun leaves the confines of Virgo to play in Libra on September 22, but indecisiveness stands between you and romantic bliss. You can have your cake, but you cant eat it, too. A clash between soft Venus and sympathetic Neptune on September 26 doesnt help matters, and your needs and desires could get lost along the way. Be as sensitive to your feelings as you are to others.


career pisces daily

Star 9/10

Put your energy toward the things that flow easily for you. Don\t bother trying to move forward in the areas where you experience resistance. The universe has set a clear and easy path for you. Embrace this path instead of doing things the hard way.


career pisces tomorrow

Star 9/10

An ongoing dispute with someone in the workplace will intensify. Others are joining the opposing side and you are starting to wonder who your friends really are. Consider their motives and be open-minded. Septemberbe you should switch sides as well.


career pisces weekly

Star 9/10

This is a good week to do things that are fun. Stubborn people who insist on doing things their way can be frustrating. You will outlast any rebel in the group. Make sure important information is current and easily accessible on Wednesday. This includes keeping clear records and up-to-date reports. The star\s alignments improve your ability to communicate at the end of the week. Do your best to be a good listener.


career pisces monthly

Star 8/10

Fame and acclaim for your creative talent could arrive near September 6. Dont be surprised if youre given a high-profile position, promotion, or award during the first half of the month. The full moon is shining light on all your achievements. If youve been yearning to move into a more artistic field, this is the time to do so. Beware of taking on a partner in the days around September 20. Someone who seems hardworking and diligent could delay your progress. Not only will this so-called expert be hypercritical but theyll also act like a know-it-all. The new moon makes it difficult to form supportive partnerships now.



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