30 Days of Guidance: Learning Fundamental Principles of Islaam [Directed Study Edition]: A Short Journey Within the Work al-Ibaanah al-Sughrah With ... Ibn 'Abdullah ar-Raajhee (Volume 1)

Interactive course book for any Muslim who wishes to understand Islaam in a balanced evidenced way between extremism and heedlessness.

  • divided into 30 daily selections and sections brief points of benefit and practical discussions for each day
  • exercises and discussion questions to ensure understanding along with related appendices
  • Beneficial questions and answers from the esteemed Sheikh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdullah ar-Raajhee
  • Download the free PDF preview today: https://taalib.link/30daysbelief

This is book one in our 30 Days Series. It is intended for every Muslim who wishes to live their life in a way pleasing to Allaah, and faces the challenge of ensuring their essential beliefs actually have evidence and support from principles taken from the sources of Islaam.

② This Directed Study edition should be used together with the Self-Study edition (in group or classroom study) as it contains all lessons, discussion points, quizzes, but DOES NOT contain an answer key.

Language: English 

Table of Contents
Compiler’s Introduction 
Day 01: The Importance Of Asking To Be Guided In What You Say & Do
Day 02: The Clear Guidance Of The Final Messenger Is For All Humanity
Day 03: There Is A Single Straight Path Surrounded By Other False Paths
Day 04: Every Ummah Divided But Those Upon The Truth Remain
Day 05: Allaah Is With Those Who Remained Upon Revealed Guidance
Day 06: Allaah Has Ordered Us To Stand United Upon The Truth & Not
Day 07: Every Name That Opposes The Guidance Of The Sunnah Is Rejected
Day 08: The Strangeness Of Islaam Is Something Expected
Day 09: That One Individual Whose Religion You Should Stand Upon
Day 10: The Sunnah Is Revealed Knowledge From Allaah
Day 11: Hold Firmly To The Sunnah As The Rope Of Allaah
Day 12: Success Is To The Degree You Adhere To The Sunnah
Day 13: The Incredible Reward For Firmly Holding To The Sunnah
Day 14: Follow The Prophet’s Sunnah & That Of His Guided Successors
Day 15: Do Not Speak Against The Best Of Generations
Day 16: Know That Knowledge Is Received And Can Be Lost
Day 17: The Reality Of The People Of Misguidance & Their Deceptions
Day 18: The Believers Are Distinct Upon Revealed Guidance
Day 19: Advice of The Companions ‘Uthman, ‘Alee & Ibn ‘Abbaas
Day 20: Those Astray Turned Away From The Guidance Brought To Them
Day 21: The People Of Misguidance Want You To Turn From Revealed Guidance
Day 22: Those Who Debate Frequently Change Their Religion
Day 23: The Blessing of Learning the Sunnah When Young
Day 24: The Importance Of Both Loving & Hating For Allaah’s Sake
Day 25: A Person Stands Upon The Religion Of His Close Companion
Day 26: Innovation That Is Disbelief Destroys All One’s Good Deeds
Day 27: Innovations In Islaam May Mislead You To Leave Islaam
Day 28: The One Who Changes Islaam Is Cursed By Allaah & Creation
Day 29: Repentance from Innovation Must Be Clear & Apparent
Day 30: What Religion Will You Die Upon?

Book Appendices 
1: Leaving The Straight Way Occurs In Two Ways
2: Concise Descriptions Of Twenty Seven Modern & Historical Sects/Groups/Religions/
Ideologies of Misguidance
3: Warning Away From The One Upon Innovation Even If He Does Good Works
4: 99 Characteristics Of Various Misguided Groups
5: It Is Not From The Way Of The First Three Generations To…”
& more...

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